This page contains many of Talcott High School's yearbooks. It is likely there were yearbooks from 1931 through 1980. The goal is to eventually include all those yearbooks on this site. To view the yearbook for a specific year, find it on the buttons or icons lower on this page and click on it. This should open the file for that yearbook. It may take up to 30 seconds or more to download the digital file. Once it opens, you may scroll up or down to view each page of the yearbook. Each yearbook has its own digital PDF file and that file includes a search feature that allows searching through the entire yearbook. Searching for names or key words might be done a little differently on different devices or web browsers. To search for a name or key word, look to near the top of your screen for a little magnifying glass icon or three horizontal or vertical dots. This may be at the top right of your browser, near the close (X) button. If you see a little magnifying glass icon, clicking on it will open up a search box where a name or key word may be entered. If you don't see a magnifying glass icon, finding and clicking on the three dots will open a menu where you should see an option of "find on page." Clicking on this "find on page" option should open the search box where a name or key word may be entered.